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Energy Medicine

We are spiritual beings on a physical journey

Energy Healing

Everything is vibration

Watch this amazing video of resonance patters to see energy in action!

Energy Medicine is a term used to explain a therapeutic application of some energy on the energy field of the patient.  The human body has an energy “life force” field around it and even the heart creates a measurable field outside of the body by its function.  

There are also thoughts about energy centers (chakras) that keep the body’s cells healthy, functioning and alive.  Addressing the energy system is an important part of care at the Center.

What is energy healing?

Energy healing is part of a holistic practice where practitioners use universal life force (or healing energy) directed into a patient to help balance, heal and remove blockages from the body and energy fields. Flow, balance, harmony and vitality within the body can be restored and maintained with this as a part of the care plan. Energy Medicine includes a variety of holistic healing modalities from frequency based devices to hands-on energy work.

Your energetic body has a crucial role to play towards your wellbeing journey.

About Energy Fields

Energy fields of the human body

In our work we recognize that the energy body is composed of:

  • The Bio-Energy Field – the field of intelligence/energy that keeps our physical body going
  • The Emotional Field – this field helps to create change in the body and for us to our environment
  • The Mental Field – this field has two aspects; one for minute details and one part for understanding the “bit picture”
  • The Soul Field – this field is the connection to our spiritual existence
Zen Energy illustration

Our first goal is to get your body to a place where it can heal itself.

Energy Modalities

Examples of energy modalities
red light therapy background
Infrared Light Therapy
IMRS Prime PEMF therapy