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Top 3 reasons to reset your body with a detox

Annoying little symptoms such as: achy joints or muscles, brain fog, fatigue, headaches, allergies, gas, or more serious problems such as autoimmune diseases, migraines, asthma, acne, irritable bowel, reflux, arthritis and more can be linked to too many toxins in the body.

The good news is the body is well equipped to deal with a reasonable amount of toxins from day-to-day. The bad news is, the average American consumes way more food-based toxins than the body can handle.

With the advent of processed foods, fast foods and preservatives, global food supplies have taken on more chemicals than ever before from their production to processing. According to the U. S. National Library of Medicine, the amount of xenobiotics, such as metals and synthetic chemicals/PBTs, has seen exponential increases over the past century.

A detox can be your best and natural solution to these and other problems. We know that the word “detox” has bad connotations for some of you. You might imagine drinking some weird concoction, being constantly hungry, having to run to the bathroom all the time, or otherwise suffering and depriving yourself.

An intelligently designed detox helps you get rid of more than just a few unwanted pounds. This is your chance to help your body heal on every level.

When we help our clients detox we check what organs (liver, lymphatic system, lungs, kidneys, colon, and skin) need to be supported with food, supplements and/or technology. We recommend giving your digestive system a break by reducing the amount of food you eat and removing the junk like sugar, bread, processed foods, etc.

Yes, you will drop pounds, but you will also find that your energy, sleep, and mood improve. That chronic problems including joint pain, digestive problems, autoimmune issues, headaches, memory problems and brain fog, sinus and allergy issues, even acne, eczema, and psoriasis will get better or disappear entirely. Your sexual desire and function may even improve.

We can think of a thousand benefits to detox, but here are our top 3:

1. You’ll restore your balance!       The best way to reset your body is with a detox. Simple, delicious foods. No toxins or drugs, which means no sugar, flour, processed foods, caffeine, or alcohol. Using self-nurturing practices: deep breathing, sleeping 7 to 8 hours a night, a little exercise, and self-love. A few short days to get your body and mind back to their original settings!

2. You’ll optimize your brain.         Optimal brain health stems from a delicate chemical balance between hormones, nutrients, and brain neurotransmitters. The brain uses chemicals as a means for communicating messages and regulating most every bodily process. Not surprisingly, years of toxin build-up will inevitably affect normal brain functioning. The effects of toxins on the brain are part of the many psychological conditions and brain diseases in existence today.

3. You’re love life improves.         Sex hormones, toxicity, and a healthy insulin balance are more intimately linked than you might think. Dr. Hyman MD talks about it here. We’ve been conditioned to believe that low sex drive and other symptoms become normal as we age. They don’t. Bad habits such as drinking and smoking, exposure to environmental toxins, and being chronically stressed all diminish sex hormone balance. When you detox, you eliminate toxins that create hormonal imbalances and wreak havoc on your metabolism. Once you understand how insulin can impact other hormones (including your sex hormones), you begin to connect the dots about how toxic food and a toxic environment can wreck your sex life.

The easy part about a detox is that it’s done by simply taking out the bad stuff and putting in the good stuff to get you to your best. You can do a 7 day, 10 day, 21 day, 30 day (you get the idea) detox based on your needs and your goals. Spring and Fall are the best times to detox but you can do one whenever you want.

Contact us if you need help to get started on your detox/ body reset.

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